In Progress
So I thought it would be a cool idea to start posting photos of my paintings that are in progress. So this is my most recent piece in progress. I would consider it to be a little under half completed. I haven’t started adding paint yet and I have not yet sprayed it with fixative for the first time either. I usually spray my pieces about five or so times during my process. Most recently I added the reddish orange lines to the painting. They added some depth.
Being in the “zone” is critical to my work. I have to have an absence of mind present or my paintings turn for the worst and I chop them up. But when I am in the “zone”, great things happen. I instinctually create when I am in the “zone”. All my focus is on the painting. I lose track of time. Progress is made.
I don’t just start in the “zone”. A warm up time is required before I can actually start working well. If I start working too early I make bad decisions and I then have to spend my time correcting the mistakes. I can show you parts in all of my drawings where I regretted making a mark, but that is beside the point. When I am in the “zone” I don’t care about the outcome of my painting because I just know that it will all work out in the end. The composition takes over and I make marks to satisfy the path the painting is taking. It is a dance of sorts.
I don’t want to say that my work is fate driven but it feels that way sometimes. On a good day I just do and discover later. Like this piece for instance has turned into a woman entangled. I didn’t see her until a day or so away from the piece but we will see where it goes. I am personally curious how I will continue with this piece. Will the woman stay or go? Will she just sink into the composition? We will see…